Friday Night Lite.
Kid Cudi ft Snoop Dogg- That Tree (Seventeen Veins remix)
For the record, I am not a Seventeen Veins groupie/whore. I just really dig their output. I mentioned this remix yesterday, and lo and behold, here it is. I've heard a bunch of remixes of this song, but none are quite on the level of this one. This song isn't supposed to be an uptempo banger, it's meant to be a slow burner of a track. Seventeen Veins take Diplo's original minimalistic beat and perform open-heart surgery on it. Without anesthetic. Spooky and unbearably dope.
Peter, Bjorn & John ft Spec Boogie- Amsterdam (Loosie remix)
Peter, Bjorn & John, the Swedish trio most famous for their whistletastic "Young Folks" single, also made this catchy tune around the same time. This remix by Brooklyn rapper Spec Boogie came out quite a while back, but after scouring my hard drive, I rediscovered this, and figured you'd enjoy it. A great mix between softer indie vocals and gruff raps that you just can't help but nod your head to.
The Team- Let's go team
Harry Potter hyphy, baby. The Bay Area and its hyphy scene produced some of the greatest and most original material back in the day. Shame it turned into that Jerking nonsense.
Funkagenda- H3lix
Harvard Bass played this months ago when we went to see him at Belmont, and its catchy little keyboard crescendo has stayed in my head since. I figured it was time to unearth this shit, just in time for summer. Simplistic electro house, sure, but it works. Check out THIS VIDEO of that night, Harvard Bass' little shuffle and big grin are evidence enough of this track's appeal.
The weather is fucking beautiful today. Terrasses, beer and sensimillia await. Go outside.
man i miss this hyphy music